Powerful 'Cannibal' solar burst will hit Earth tonight. Widespread auroras predicted[강력한 '카니발' 태양 폭발이 오늘 밤 지구를 강타할 것입니다. 광범위한 오로라가 예측했습니다]

상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Powerful 'Cannibal' solar burst will hit Earth tonight. Widespread auroras predicted[강력한 '카니발' 태양 폭발이 오늘 밤 지구를 강타할 것입니다. 광범위한 오로라가 예측했습니다]

카테고리 없음

by 지구살리자 2024. 9. 26. 09:00







중위도에서도 오로라 디스플레이가 가능해 강력한 자기 폭풍 상황이 예측됩니다.

A powerful M9.8-class solar flare erupted from the sun on Wednesday (Nov. 29) releasing the cannibal CME nbsp; (Image credit: NASA/ESA/SDO/SOHO) 식인 CME (이미지 크레딧: 나사/ESA/SDO/SOHO)를 방출하는 M9.8급 강력한 태양 플레어가 수요일(11월 29일) 태양에서 분출되었습니다

Aurora chasers around the world are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a super-hot plasma eruption known as a coronal mass ejection (CME) that will slam into Earth tonight.

The rapid Earth-boundCME left the sun on Nov. 29 during a powerful M9.8-classsolar flareeruption. But it isn't alone. The speedy plasma outburst will merge with several slower upstream CMEs that left the sun a day earlier (Nov. 28), creating a "Cannibal CME" that will likely trigger a strong geomagnetic storm akin to a Nov. 5 event that supercharged auroras and STEVE around the world.

Related: The next 4 to 5 years will be the best time to see the northern lights this solar cycle

The next 4 to 5 years will be the best time to see the northern lights this solar cycle

The rise in phenomenal aurora displays doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon.


전 세계의 오로라 추격자들은 오늘 밤 지구를 강타할 코로나 질량 방출(CME)로 알려진 매우 뜨거운 플라즈마 폭발이 오기를 간절히 기다리고 있습니다.

지구로 향하는 빠른 CME는 강력한 M9.8 등급의 태양 플레어 폭발 동안 11월 29일에 태양을 떠났습니다. 그러나 이것은 혼자가 아닙니다. 속도가 빠른 플라즈마 폭발은 하루 전(11월 28일) 태양을 떠난 여러 개의 느린 업스트림 CME와 합쳐져서, 전 세계적으로 오로라와 스티브를 초충전시킨 11월 5일 사건과 유사한 강력한 지자기 폭풍을 유발할 가능성이 있는 "카니발 CME"를 생성할 것입니다.

관련: 앞으로 4~5년은 이 태양 주기에서 북극광을 볼 수 있는 가장 좋은 시기가 될 것입니다


Geomagnetic storms are disturbances to Earth's magnetic field caused by large expulsions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun's atmosphere in the form of CMEs. 지자기 폭풍은 CME의 형태로 태양 대기에서 플라스마와 자기장이 크게 분출되어 지구 자기장에 대한 교란입니다.


If the Cannibal CME strikes as predicted, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasts strong (G3) geomagnetic storm conditions with an impressive aurora forecast for the U.S. NOAA ranks geomagnetic storms on a scale running from G1, which can cause an increase in auroral activity around the poles and minor fluctuations in power supplies, up to G5. This most extreme level can cause complete HF (high frequency) radio blackouts on the entire sunlit side of the Earth, lasting for several hours. 식인성 CME가 예측한 대로 공격하면 미국 국립해양대기청(NOAA)은 미국에 대한 인상적인 오로라 예보와 함께 강력한(G3) 지자기 폭풍 상황을 예측합니다. NOAA는 지자기 폭풍을 G1에서 시작하는 규모로 순위를 매겼는데, 이는 극 주변의 오로라 활동을 증가시키고 전력 공급에 약간의 변동을 일으킬 수 있으며, 이는 G5까지 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 가장 극단적인 수준은 몇 시간 동안 태양 빛이 비치는 지구 전체에 HF(고주파) 전파 정전을 일으킬 수 있습니다.

NOAA has upgraded their geomagnetic storm watch to G3 on Dec. 1.  (Image credit: NOAA) NOAA는 12월 1일 지자기 폭풍 시계를 G3로 업그레이드했습니다. (이미지 크레딧: NOAA)

What can we expect?  

The last G3 storm on Nov. 5 created phenomenal aurora displays around the world, with northern lights reported as far south as Greece and Turkey.  

On Nov. 5, astrophotographer Gareth Mon Jones caught a stunning view of the aurora above Penmon Lighthouse, Anglesey. 

"A whopper of a display on Anglesey tonight," Jones wrote on X. "my girlfriend was happy to see one of the best displays of the northern lights in a long time"

무엇을 기대할 수 있습니까?  
11월 5일에 있었던 마지막 G3 폭풍은 그리스와 튀르키예만큼 남쪽까지 보도된 북극광과 함께 전세계에 경이로운 오로라 디스플레이를 만들었습니다.  

11월 5일, 천체 사진작가 가레스 몬 존스(Gareth Mon Jones)는 앵글시(Angelesey) 펜몬 등대(Penmon Lighthouse) 위의 오로라의 놀라운 광경을 포착했습니다. 

존스는 X에 "오늘 밤 앵글시에서 열리는 전시회의 후퍼"라고 썼습니다. "제 여자친구는 오랜만에 최고의 북극광 전시회 중 하나를 보게 되어 행복해 했습니다."



Gareth Mon Jones caught a stunning view of the aurora above Penmon Lighthouse, Anglesey.   (Image credit: Gareth Mon Jones) 가레스 몬 존스(Gareth Mon Jones)는 앵글시(Anglesey )의 펜몬 등대(Penmon Lighthouse) 위에 있는 오로라의 놀라운 광경을 포착했습니다. (이미지 크레딧: 가레스 몬 존스)

Steven lomas managed to photograph mysterious STEVE above Dunstanburgh Castle Northumberland, UK.  

"It was the strongest display of the aurora that I have seen in 8 years of photography" lomas told Space.com. "The highlight was seeing the corona and also STEVE!"  

lomas also captured quite the mythical scene with vibrant green and red auroras dancing over Dunstanburgh Castle.


Steven lomas는 영국 Dunstanburgh Castle Northumberland 위에서 신비로운 Steve의 사진을 찍는데 성공했습니다.  

"제가 8년 동안 사진을 찍으면서 본 오로라의 가장 강력한 모습이었습니다."라고 로마는 Space.com 에 말했습니다. "가장 흥미로운 것은 코로나와 스티브(STEVE)를 보는 것이었습니다!"  

로마스는 또한 던스턴버그 성 위에서 춤을 추는 활기찬 녹색과 빨간색 오로라와 함께 신화적인 장면을 포착했습니다.

(Image credit: Steven lomas)
(Image credit: Steven lomas)
(Image credit: Steven lomas)

Meteorologist Angel Enriquez was working the evening shift at the National Weather Service in Glasgow, northeast Montana when his colleague alerted him to the aurora light show.  

"A fellow coworker was out gathering her own pictures when she texted 'GO OUTSIDE NOW'" Enriquez told Space.com. "I took the tripod to the darkest spot of the office, which happens to be next to the radar, and took some memorable photos." 기상학자 엔젤 엔리케스(Angel Enriquez)는 몬태나 북동부 글래스고(Glasgow)에 있는 국립 기상국에서 저녁 근무를 하고 있을 때 동료가 오로라 조명 쇼에 대해 알렸습니다.  

"동료가 '지금 밖으로 나가라'고 문자를 보냈을 때, 그녀는 자신의 사진들을 모으고 있었습니다"라고 엔리케스는 Space.com 에 말했습니다. "저는 사무실의 가장 어두운 곳, 마침 레이더 옆에 있는 곳으로 삼각대를 가져가서 기억에 남는 사진들을 찍었습니다."

Meteorologist Angel Enriquez captured the aurora above Glasgow, Montana, U.S. On Nov. 5.  (Image credit: Angel Enriquez) 기상학자 Angel Enriquez는 11월 5일 미국 몬타나 주 글래스고 위의 오로라를 포착했습니다. (이미지 크레딧: Angel Enriquez)

If the upcoming geomagnetic storm is anything like the one we experienced on Nov. 5 we could be in for quite the treat. 다가오는 지자기 폭풍이 우리가 11월 5일에 경험했던 것과 비슷하다면 우리는 상당한 대접을 받을 수 있을 것입니다.

Where to look 어디를 봐야할지

Want to catch a glimpse of the aurora? Try and head to a dark location, away from bright city lights. Make sure to keep an eye on the northern skies (or southern skies if located in the Southern Hemisphere), making periodic checks at regular intervals. Auroras are rather fickle and can lie dormant, before suddenly flaring up at a moment's notice.  오로라를 살짝 보고 싶나요? 밝은 도시의 불빛에서 벗어나 어두운 곳으로 향하세요. 정기적인 간격으로 주기적인 점검을 하면서, 반드시 북쪽 하늘(또는 남반구에 위치한 경우)을 주시하세요. 오로라는 다소 변덕스러우며 잠자고 있을 수 있으며, 잠시 후에 갑자기 날아오릅니다.



If you're unable to make it outside to hunt for auroras in person, we have compiled a list of some of the best aurora webcams so you can enjoy the thrill of the northern lights from the comfort of your own home.

If you capture photos of the aurora displays and would like them to be considered for a photo roundup story please email them over to spacephotos@space.com. 

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: community@space.com.오로라를 직접 사냥하기 위해 야외에 갈 수 없다면 최고의 오로라 웹캠 목록을 작성하여 집에서 편안하게 북극광의 스릴을 즐길 수 있습니다.

오로라 디스플레이의 사진을 캡처하고 사진 요약 스토리에 고려하기를 원하는 경우 spacephotos@space.com 으로 이메일을 보내주십시오. 

우주 포럼에 참여하여 최신 미션, 밤하늘 등에 대한 공간을 계속 이야기하세요! 그리고 만약 여러분이 뉴스 팁, 수정 또는 코멘트를 가지고 있다면, community@space.com 에서 우리에게 알려주세요.
